Screen Credit Requirements

For all projects, Manitoba Film & Music's screen credit shall be approved in advance.

Unless prior approval to the contrary has been obtained in writing from Manitoba Film & Music (MFM), MFM shall be entitled to receive credit(s) in connection with the funded project as follows:

(a) On Screen Credit

The Manitoba Film & Music logo and the required language, “Produced with financial investment from Manitoba Film & Music” shall be displayed as follows:

(i) such credit shall normally be the first credit in the end titles or after principal cast;

(ii) MFM's credit position among other financial participants shall be placed relative to the order of descending magnitude of such participant's funding in a size of type not less than fifty (50%) percent of the size of the type used to display the title of the production, but not less than the size of type used to accord the "Film By" credit to the director or Borrower(s)'s credit whichever is larger; and

(iii) in the event that any other financial participant(s) in the production is/are given an opening credit, then MFM shall also be given an opening credit, which shall be among the other financial participant(s) credits;

(iv) absolutely NO other logo or screen credit can be larger than the MFM logo and screen credit, unless it is for an organization whose cash financial investment exceeds MFM's; and

(v) the credit placement obligations of the Borrower(s) set out above shall be carried out either as on a separate card credit or as a rolling credit with sufficient screen time for such credit to be clearly legible and separate; and

(vi) the following wording will be added to the tail credits of the Project (if applicable);


(b) Advertising

"Produced with the participation of Manitoba Film & Music” shall appear as a credit in a size, type and prominence which shall be in a ratio of no less than and equal to MFM’s financial participation as compared to funding of other financial participant(s) which receive a credit. MFM's credit on all advertising, publicity and promotional materials relating to the Project shall be approved in advance by MFM.
